Eagle Meaning & Holistic Spiritual Eagle Products

The eagle is held sacred by many traditions, but especially so in the Native American tradition. The eagle flies high, symbolically close to spirit, and its cry is like a high-pitched screech, calling to spirit for recognition. The eagle teaches us to live our lives on earth while remaining connected to the spirit realms. It teaches us to follow our true path - that which is really meant to be happening in our life for the greater good. So in this way the eagle is connected to courage - the ability to follow what is right, and to confront our fears, as that is how we change to become better and happier people. Eagle can see far from his high-flying position, so symbolically relates to seeing the bigger picture, not getting involved in things that aren't important.

  • East Shield Incense Sticks - Illumination Eagle
  • Spirits of the Wind Greeting Card (Birthday)
  • Three Eagles Greeting Card (Birthday)
  • Eagle Dancer Pendant (Sterling Silver)
  • Eagle Pendant (Stelring Silver)